It was a day like any other day in Havana. My best friend and I friend were watching “Netflix” in my house. It was night, and my parents were not there.
While we were watching the series, someone rang the bell. We opened the door but there was no one there. After half an hour, they called again. Despite being dead of fear, we opened it.We looked at the floor and there was a box that looked like a package. We grabbed it and moved to the middle of my room and then, we opened it. Inside, there was… a letter.
My best friend and I were trembling with fear when the windows opened and the cool wind went through the room. I quickly went to close them. My friend opened the letter,which said: “We are watching you”. When he finished reading it, the doorbell rang and…a whisper touched my ear and said:” the world is full of traps”.
Now, one year later I think of this sentence.
Àngela Vallespí Sancho
Escola Llorenç Vallespí i Vidiella, Benifallet
*Conte premiat en la categoria de primària en el XI Concurs de microrelats de terror 2020, organitzat per la biblioteca de l'Institut Cristòfol Despuig.
A voltes, un planeta, a Reus
El 27 de febrer, a les 7 de la tarda, presentaré A voltes, un planeta (Cossetània
Edicions) a la llibreria La Galatea de Reus.
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