21 d’abril del 2016

A mysterious accident

Suddenly we heard a loud noise coming from outside and we ran quickly to the street to see what was happening. Two cars had crashed and there was nobody in the cars. It was very strange. How can two cars crash with nobody inside? Who was driving those cars? ‘A ghost perhaps’, said my brother jokingly.

It was a mystery, so we phoned the police and a quarter later they were in front of the mysterious accident. First, the police officer couldn’t believe that nobody was driving those cars, later he started asking questions: ‘When was the accident exactly? Did you see someone escaping from the cars?...’.

I explained that that morning, while we were having breakfast, we heard a very loud noise coming from the street; it was 7:36. Then we ran to the street to see what was happening and help the people who were in the cars but when we got near the accident we saw there wasn’t anybody injured and nobody needed our help because there were no people in the cars. And finally we phoned the police.

‘Thank you. We will tell you if we discover what has happened’, said the policeman. We were astonished because nobody could explain to us what had happened in the street, but I had to forget the accident and go to work, because we have lots of projects to develop at the moment. So, at 9:45 I had to leave home to go to work.

I have been working for National Scientific Laboratories for a year and now we are working and testing new car designs. These cars can fly, so I’m very excited about the project but I’m more keen on discovering new technologies that all of us can use every day like new phones that can be charged without electricity or phones that can save our lives. My co-workers have just invented a new system of phones for old people, like our grandparents, who can’t use a smart phone because most people at this age don’t understand the current system.

When I arrived at the laboratory, Maria asked me why I was late; I explained the mysterious story and she answered: ‘What a coincidence; some people are working here on cars which don’t need a driver. Why don’t you ask them if they were testing this type of cars this morning? Do you remember the colour of those cars? It can be useful to know if those cars were from this laboratory. Ask Paul; he will help you’.

I didn’t wait any more and I went to visit Paul. He looked sad so I asked why he was looking upset. ‘We have invented a new type of car which doesn’t need a driver but they disappeared this morning when we were going to test them in the street. We phoned the police and they said they would inform us if they got more information. Later we checked the security cameras and we saw two men stealing the cars and leaving in them. They don’t know how the cars work so probably they will crash. We are very sad because that cost us two years of work’.

‘I’m sorry to hear that but I have to ask you one question; what was the colour of those cars?’
‘They were blue and red but, why do you ask me that?’, said Paul.

Suddenly my phone rang. It was the police number. I answered the call and I explained that the cars involved in the crash that had happened in the morning in front of my house were the same cars that had disappeared from the laboratory.

The policeman said: ‘Yes, you are right but…the thieves stole the cars at 5:28 from the laboratory, and then they robbed a bank at 6:45; while they were in the bank, the cars left and they men stayed in the middle of the road with all the money; then, the cars tried to return to the laboratory but their GPS got crazy and unfortunately they crashed in front of your house. And one more thing; tell your co-workers that the next time they have to be sure that the keys aren’t in the car’.

When he finished explaining to me what had happened I couldn’t believe it.

Ring, ring...

—‘Jane, good morning! Did you dream a lot last night?’

Andrea Cid

*Treball premiat en el Concurs de contes breus 2016 en la categoria de segon cicle d'ESO.

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