19 de desembre del 2018

Horror Story

It was late; around midnight. I was finally able to start reading the book my friend had been recommending me for months. There was a strange noise outside. I wasn’t sure what it was, so I put my book down in my nightstand. I got up and walked to the only window in my room, which was at the right side of the bed. In spite of the darkness surrounding the house, you could slightly see the shapes of the trees scattered around the backyard, but nothing else apart from that. I wasn’t able to recognise what that sound was. I made up my mind and went to my brother’s room downstairs. When I opened the door to his room, the lights were already on and he was looking out of his window, from where you could also see the backyard. He turned around when he realised I was there and made a surprised gasp before realising it was me. He immediately mentioned the odd noise coming from outside. Both of us were in deep thought about what it could have been. Then, my gaze went to the window when I saw a shadow moving instantaneously from one side to the other. After that, we decided we should go to try to find what it was.

We went outside and after taking a few steps forward there was a sound behind us. We turned around and the door we had just crossed had closed on its own. We wanted to convince ourselves that it was nothing. We repeated: it must have been the air, ignoring our minds reminding us that there was a clear lack of wind. Luckily, I had grabbed the keys together with two torches on our way to the door. We were walking side by side, almost hugging each other because, let’s be honest; no one actually separates if you find yourself in a scary situation, and horror movie directors should know it. At first, we didn’t see anything weird but, when we approached our dog’s little house, we saw a red substance dripping from the roof. When we realised there was a trace in the grass of the same substance, our minds started to race with the worst case scenarios. We were scared but we followed it until we found something we would have never wanted to see. Our usually lovely and bubbly German Shepherd was lying lifeless on the grass,covered in mud and blood. We got in a shock. We didn’t know what to do since we were scared but, when I saw something shifting in the bushes close by, I quickly took my brother’s hand and ran to the inner part of our house. We called our parents with tears in our eyes. A few hours later, we were told our beloved pet had been taken away by a wolf that used to spend long hours in the hill nearby, and visited the village once and then. We had never been so heartbroken.

Sandra Vallés Brull
Institut Dertosa, Tortosa

*Conte premiat en la categoria de batxillerat i cicles formatius en el IX Concurs de microrelats de terror 2018, organitzat per la biblioteca de l'Institut Cristòfol Despuig.

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