19 de desembre del 2018

A Horror Story

Once upon a time, there were two girls. They were walking at night.
In a second, one of them fell to the ground and Jane started to cry because someone had killed Moon.

The girl that was on the floor was covered in blood around her.

Jane looked around and … She saw a man with a gun!

She started to run, but in a second, she also fell to the ground.

This time she was murdered with a knife, the mysterious man was behind her with a knife in his hand.

The girl was dead on the floor, with blood by her side.

But… OH! Luckily! It was a nightmare!!!

Elsa Tomàs Rubiales
Escola Riumar, Deltebre

*Conte premiat en la categoria de primària en el IX Concurs de microrelats de terror 2018, organitzat per la biblioteca de l'Institut Cristòfol Despuig.

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