20 de desembre del 2016

The White Bedspread

I was on holiday in Morocco. My family and me had been invited to the wedding ceremony of a family friend on the 15th of June. I remember that day very well.

That night we decided to walk as the wedding was near our house; when we got halfway, we noticed that we had left the wedding present at home.

My cousins asked me to go because I am not one who is easily frightened; but I must admit that that night I got really scared.

On my way back home, I decided to take the shortest way to arrive earlier but on that way, there was no light, and there were few people on the road that night. It was the first night of my life that I was alone at such late time. While I was walking, I saw something white moving up and down, and I could hear some noises made by squirrels, insects and owls. These creatures love night and darkness.

I wasn’t really worried about the noises but that white thing moving up and down made me a bit curious. I wanted to know what it was. I stopped walking for a while. As I was standing there all stories about ghosts began to come back to my mind. I was really frightened, and then I ran back as fast as I could, and when I arrived at the wedding site, I could hardly speak.

When I got my breath back, I told my family everything that had happened and then we decided to give the wedding present next day. On the same next day, however, I visited that place again to find out what that white thing was. But I could find no footprint there, only a white bedspread that had been dropped on the floor. When I took it, a woman called me and told me that it was her bedspread and that the wind had taken it away the previous night.

In fact, I had made a fool of myself, but after the experience, that discovery was a kind of relief for me.

Fatima Abdelouahab
Institut Cristòfol Despuig, Tortosa.

*Conte premiat en la categoria de batxillerat i cicles formatius en el VII Concurs de microrelats de terror 2016, organitzat per la biblioteca amb el suport dels departaments de Català, Castellà i Llengües estrangeres de l'Institut Cristòfol Despuig.

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