20 de desembre del 2016

It was a cold dark night...

It was a cold dark night in the city centre. The streets were empty... Shadows were filling the last bright corners of the city. The Moon was full and attracted the most mysterious and free creatures of the planet. Nobody was safe.

While I was alone, the lights went off. I was afraid so I lit up some candles. Suddenly, I heard a strange noise coming from the back of  my garden; it made my blood ran cold.

—What should I do?   I was a bundle of nerves.

 And then... I saw it. It was angry like bull and it was the ugliest creature I’d ever seen in my life. So I started running, panicked, to find a safe place to protect myself from it. But... it was too late when I realised that I was dead.

Andrea Cid Lombrate
Institut Cristòfol Despuig, Tortosa.

*Conte premiat en la categoria de secundària en el VII Concurs de microrelats de terror 2016, organitzat per la biblioteca amb el suport dels departaments de Català, Castellà i Llengües estrangeres de l'Institut Cristòfol Despuig.

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