19 de desembre del 2014

Horror Story

One day my parents went to one of their friends’ wedding. I decided to stay alone at home. I wanted to be the best of the month that day because I had complete freedom. I could do whatever I wanted to, but that day wasn't just as I expected. It was horrible! Do you want to know my story?

When my parents left home I started playing Call of Duty, one of my favourite games. I played it for three hours! Then I had lunch, thinking of my next missions in the game. The only thing I wanted was playing, playing and only playing. I played four hours more, but then the lights went off. I felt scared. I decided to use a flashlight, but the dark corridor of the house was frightening! I could only see darkness...

Bold as I am, I went to the kitchen in order to get the flashlight. Then, I heard many sounds... shots! I hid myself under the table, but the bombs didn't stop... What was happening?

In a few seconds, the shots stopped. I was very confused... I went to my room to sleep... But, when I entered my room, I saw that my console was showing this: GAME OVER. Then, all made sense. The shots were from my console and they stopped because they had killed my character!

Pau Fabregat
Institut Joaquín Bau, de Tortosa.

*Conte premiat en la categoria secundària en el V Concurs de microrelats de terror 2014, organitzat per la biblioteca amb el suport dels departaments de Català, Castellà i Llengües estrangeres de l'Institut Cristòfol Despuig.

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