20 de desembre del 2013

The dead body

When my parents, my two brothers and I decided to move to that house out of Colorado we didn’t get to imagine that our life would have a change.

Friday night, Dad took the car, we all get in, and then we started the trip of no return. While he was driving, mom was awake talking to him so he wouldn’t feel sleep, my brothers were sleeping, and I was the only one that was awake listening to music. For a minute Dad turned back to talk to me, and then a man who was wearing a long black coat and holding a harmer appeared in the middle of the road, the scream that came out of me woke my brothers.
The man had his hand full of blood, a long knife was inside his pocket…he told us to come down from the car, we did everything he told us because our life was in danger in him; we couldn’t see his face with that darkness, I only saw that on his gloves a star was drown …we were walking to a small house in middle of a forest and the background music was a wolf that was crying…I wanted to throw him a stone but any movement I do would have a bad consequence….we finally arrived to that house, it had no door or window, there was a disgusting smell of something dead…my brother Tom started crying while he was pointing something that was on the floor…and that was a body of a man, it was a dead body that had been there for a long time….when the man noticed that we had seen his act he told us `close your mouth you people have not seen anything yet´ I heard a shoot, the radio started playing opera music and the lights went off


Stephain Obika

*Conte premiat en el IV Concurs de microrelats de terror 2013, organitzat per la biblioteca amb el suport dels departaments de Català, Castellà i Llengües estrangeres de l'Institut Cristòfol Despuig.

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