20 de desembre del 2013

Horror story

A Saturday of December, a family was driving to spend the weekend on a little house far from the city. Anne, the mother was reading the newspaper, meanwhile their children were playing. All was perfect, although the weather seemed to want to tease their plans, they were really happy because the father, Paul worked as a journalist so he had to travel every day and he couldn’t stay with the family all he wanted but these day was starting his little holiday with the family, he wanted to enjoy every moment with his wife and his sons, Dylan and Peter.
Paul was travelling by an old road near ”La Eliana”, a small village with pretty houses and with lots of land covered by grass with an incredible landscape, an idyllic place for vacationers. They had a house in that place and there was where they were going.
It was afternoon and driving calmly when the car started to do strange things. The radio suddenly turned off and a bright white light appeared over them. Suddenly, they saw a strange shadow, it was a little boy who was walking across the road and he was wearing a striped swimsuit and a red bucket, then he disappeared so quickly that they didn’t know if that was real or from fatigue. They decided to stop and took a break and ate something.
Finally, at night they arrived at home and when they were watching TV, the light switched off and when Paul, the father tried to get some candles, they heard some strange sounds and they saw again the same boy walking around the house with his stripped swimsuit and his bucket but now there were more people next to him. When Anne saw that decided to close all doors and windows and tried to keep calm and stay together, then the father called to the police.
The family told all happened these day to the police, but the police didn’t give to it much importance but a policeman when all his colleagues had gone, he told to the family that a group of police some weeks ago had visited these zone and had seen some strange shadows of people walking through the forest too and some lawyers were investigating these case and the policeman told to Paul, that a judge told him that a night he dreamed with a boy who wore a stripped swimsuit and a red bucket asking him for some help to find his family.
These judge started to search information about it all and discovered that twenty years ago, in these little village with beautiful houses and with an unforgettable landscape happened a tragedy and many people died with the explosion, since then, there had been some witnesses that saw different ghosts from people who died walking around the village looking for something and appearing in the dreams of the people who visited that little village called “La Eliana”.
But the Police said that anyone wanted to publish these case because there were some important people involved in it that couldn’t lose their jobs and he told to the family that when some ghost appeared in your live, you can’t remove him from yours because he has chosen you for some reason and if you make he get angry he will rest in your live for ever and will try to make your life a nightmare.

Judith Muñoz 

*Conte premiat en la categoria de Batx i CF en el IV Concurs de microrelats de terror 2013, organitzat per la biblioteca amb el suport dels departaments de Català, Castellà i Llengües estrangeres de l'Institut Cristòfol Despuig.

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