18 de febrer del 2013

Two poems

Being part of your heart

We had something special but I threw it away.
I regret what I have done since that last day.

The things I have done, I just don't wanna say
I feel it too because I know it causes pain.

All I want is to be part of your heart
and to be together and never go apart.

I hope that one day you will soon realize,
how perfect are you, watchin' through my eyes.

That sweet little face

That sweet little face, that I like so much to kiss,
how sudden altered and sad it appears...
The sun goes down in a big fireball of light,
a group of frosty fireflies mourns at the night.

I'll ask them all, I'll ask them all their dreams,
I'll hear them whisper, invisible in their veins,
the cold rain falls, the rain another time sing,
to what the eternal evening is expecting to bring.

Then dry up your tears and smile me again,
for I'm sure you must feel that terrible pain,
for being naughty, and crying so long,
and never do that things you know that are wrong.

Titus Andronicus

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